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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
Mandatory Submission of Test Results(2023-Spring Semester)
No : 686 Date : 2023-02-09 Views : 4203
1. Mandatory submission of COVID-19 test Results
■ All 2023-Spring semester residents MUST submit COVID-19 PCR or RAT test result sheet that is examined within 7 days before your actual check-in date. 
■ You will get the test results in 24 hours after inspection by text message then captured and printed it. Write down [your Student number/Dormitory name] on the top of paper and submitted to the security office when you check in.
■ Unable to check in SKKU dorm if your test result paper is not submitted.
■ Refer to the additional announcement on dormitory homepage, Notice, for further more detailed information.
■ If you get COVID-19 before check-in the dormitory, you can enter the dormitory after being released from quarantine. You should submit the confirmation document of release from isolation instead of COVID-19 test results.
Students entering the country from abroad must bring RAT negative results entering the country to check in to the dormitory.(Must be issued in Korea)
Overseas Arrivals from China must be submit PCR test which is issued in Korea. (RAT or Issued in China is not available) 
 In the case of a person who has been infected with COVID-19 (90 days prior to the check-in date of release from quarantine), a notice of quarantine (or notice of release) can be submitted in replace of a negative result.
※ If your check-in is Feb 17th, document with quarantine starting on Nov 13th 2022 or Quarantine releasing after Nov 19th 24:00 is valid. 
■ In the case of a person who has been infected with COVID-19 (90 days after the check-in date of release from quarantine), PCR or rapid antigen test negative results must be submitted. However, if the test results are positive, both quarantine notices (or notice of release) and test results must be submitted.
※ If you get positive result again, You can't check-in. 
2. Rules Regarding Submission of Tuberculosis Test Results
- Not once submit tuberculosis check-up.
- Students who had medical check-up before on Dec. 2022
- Students who do not submit check-up result cannot enter dormitory.
- During Dec. 2022~Feb. 2023 students who did check  up individually and have the record of submission.
- No additional submission But,
Students who changed student ID
number after submission check in
operating office.
 It is possible to check the valid semester(year/month) of your individual Tuberculosis check-up result on GLS directly – You should check whether you are a [required] or [exempted] in case you are a consecutive dormitory resident.
■ Students must check again. Only 'no abnormalities' result with clearly-written name, gender, birth date, check date is admitted.
■ Tuberculosis can usually be diagnosed by chest X-ray, so just visit a public health center, internal medicine clinic, or hospital equipped with an X-ray machine. It takes 1-3day, so Please visit hospital in advance. 
■ Submission of Check-up result: Visit each dormitory’s security office.
■ A copy of TB test or a written sheet by other languages can be submitted and is necessary.
■ SKKU dormitory confirms only your result of 'TB Test' and does not require any other examinations.

▶Tuberculosis Hospital Click Here◀


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