Global Leading University


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게시글 검색
봉룡학사(영문) | FAQ 게시판
Q How can I pay the dormitory fee from foreign country?
Q Can I get a receipt for payment of the dormitory fee?
Q Can I pay the dormitory fee by card?
Q Can students on gap years be admitted to the dormitory?
Q Payment of deposit after leaving
Q Luggage storage information
Q Can I be admitted to the dormitory mid-semester or mid-vacation?
Q When can I be admitted to the dormitory mid-semester or mid-vacation?
Q What is the difference between early admission and extended stay?
Q Can I use the dormitory in my gap year?
Q Can I pay in installments or by card?
Q Can I get a cash receipt?
Q How much is the deposit and when will it be refunded?
Q What are the 4-people-4-rooms and 6-people-3-rooms types?
Q How can I store my luggage when leaving?
Q When can I be admitted to and leave the dormitory?
Q How are rooms assigned?
Q How do I choose my place in the room?
Q How much does the dormitory cost per day?
Q How do I apply for admission and what is the schedule?
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