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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
Modification of Shin-gwan Entrance
No : 13 Date : 2014-10-24 Views : 4268

We have modified Shin-gwan A dong and B dong entrance for safer and more effective management. Please read the contents carefully.

◇ Separation of entrance and exit

We used to use 1~2 doors out of 4 in B1 of Shin-gwan A dong and B dong. However, from now on, we use all 4 doors during day time, and for graduate school students, we open 2 entrance at the west side of Shin-gwan A dong after 1 AM.

Also, we installed stoppers(a device that enables door to open one way only) at Shin-gwan A dong and B dong B1 entrance and main entrance of Shin-gwan B dong(doors right next to revolving door) to separate the use as entry or exit.

We have adjusted the system since Shin-gwan doors are made to be big and heavy. Therefore, using the doors as both entry and exit caused frequent problems. Sometimes even the door lock system failure happened.

In order to improve this matter, we decided to install stopper in each door so that all the doors should be 'push open' only.

Moreover we expect the decrease of incidents of which people run into one another while trying to use the same door from inside and outside. Therefore, please use the doors as entry or exit that is mentioned on the door way.

◇ Decrease of doors that can be fixed open

We have limited the function of 'fixed open' from all the doors in B1 to 1 doors in each entrance.

In the past, people pushed the doors too much, which made doors fixed open. Due to this, inlet of outside air resulted decrease of efficiency of air-conditioning or heating system, and made securities endure inconvenience.

In order to fix the problem, we enabled only one of the doors in each entrance to be fixed open. Therefore please use this door when you have to move out with big luggages or for use of the disabled. Also, please do not forget to close the doors after the use.

- Chief of dorm office - 





봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
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