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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
2019-Fall Semester Dormitory 1st admission result
No : 170 Date : 2019-08-07 Views : 1874
The admission result for 2019-Fall semester was announced. Please check the result and pay the bill for dormitory within the period. 
You can check 2019- Fall Dormitory 1st admission result on your indivisual GLS from 10:00a.m on Aug.7(Wed)
A second round will be held in case of vacancies after the first.
Applying period for second round is from 9:00a.m on Aug.12.(Mon) to 23:00p.m on Aug.15.(Thu)
1. Payment period for 1st successful applicant : Aug.7.(Wed) 10:00a.m ~ Aug.11.(Sun) 23:00p.m
- After you pay dormitory fee, please check your status is "완납(full payment)" on dormitory  informtaion of your GLS.
- International remittance usually takes more than 2-3days. Therefore, you better send your dormitory fee at the first day of payment.
-There is possibility that you can't pay money through some banks between 23:00 p.m and 1am.
-Our Dormitory Office working time is from 9a.m to 17:30p.m(Weekends are closed).
 Please check our working time and we recommend you pay dormitory fee ASAP.  
- If your payment is not fully made until the registration period, your dormitory admission will be canceled.
-You need to send proof of payment to the dormitory office through email or fax, if you send money during payment period but it will arrive after the dealine.
* Bank Information

- Bank: Wooribank, SKKU Branch, 

- Bank Address: 25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul

2. Check Result
: Skku Homepage -> KINGO ID Login -> Application/Requirement management -> Dormitory ->
  Dormitory Info ->
  (Check the captured screen of GLS below.) 
3. The lowest GPA(grade cutline) of the successful applicants on the 1st round
Dormitory M F
C-House All -
E-House(Single) 4.33 -
E-House(Double) 3.11 3.87
G-House(Single) - 4.13
G-House(Double) - 3.97
M-house All -
K-House - 4.19
Victroy House - 3.6
Crownvile A 3.95 -
Crownvile C Priority 4.25
LWG(Single) - 3.5
LWG(Double) - Priority
- If several students had same GPA, we looked up their penalty points or credits. 
- If prioritized students were more than applicants, we cut and assigned prioritized students according to their grades.
명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
Next 2019-Fall semester 2nd round of dormitory application 2019-08-07