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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Shin-gwan Dormitory Repair
번호 : 78 등록일 : 2012-11-28 조회수 : 7779

Shin-gwan Dormitory Repair

According to SKKU facility management plan of 2012, Shin-gwan is going to be repaired during winter vacation 2012. Due to safety concern and noise that may occur during renovation, all of the students (including graduate students) in Shin-gwan will be asked to move to other dormitories, except for the students planning to live only during winter course session (23.Dec.2012~15.Jan.2013).


※ You are able to apply for other on-campus dormitories other than Shin-gwan.


※ Graduate students will be able to have 24-hour access to any dormitories that you apply for.


Shin-gwan will be opened with more convenient facility and amenities from 2013 spring semester.


Please visit the following webpage for more information regarding winter semester accommodation:


Thank you for your understanding.

봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 신관 휘트니스센터 12월 회원 모집 2012-11-28
이전글 2012학년도 동계방학 기숙사 신관 공사 공지 2012-11-28