
최고의 인재를 위한 안식처 성균관대학교 기숙사


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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] ☆Signing out of Open Kitchen (2020-winter semester)
번호 : 2023 등록일 : 2021-01-29 조회수 : 1794

▶Signing out of Open Kitchen◀



1. Current users who will leave the dormitory after winter semester must CLEAN  your items on the cabinet & fridge. 

● After dorm regular check out date, all items left on the cabinet and in the fridge will be discarded.
● If you want to stop using the kitchen, Please let us know by email or visiting our office. 


2. Current users who will live in the dormitory during spring semester should  also register it AGAIN. If you don't, you are canceled automatically. 

('Open kitchen application for 2021-spring' was posted → Click here)

●  2021-Spring semester In-kwan Open.k only. 
●  Currently, Ui-kwan Open.k users can use In-kwan Open.k after applying.
●  Ui-kwan Open.k is being cleaned from Feb.20th., so you should pack all of your personal items
    and clean up what you used.
* Inquires:


봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 ★2021학년도 1학기 기숙사 입사생 모집 안내 ( 종합안내문 필독) + 자주하는 질문 추가(2.3(수) 추가) 2021-01-29
이전글 ☆OPEN KITCHEN Applicaiton for 2021-Spring Semester☆ 2021-01-29