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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Steps for application of the Open Kitchen, 1st semester of 2016
번호 : 674 등록일 : 2016-02-18 조회수 : 7824

The open-kitchen is for foreigners who are finding difficult to consume Korean food due to difference in culture and religion. Please refrain from applying for the open-kitchen unless you really need it.


◆Application period : 2016. 2. 24 (Wed) ~ 3.11.(Fri) (Dorm office working hours)

Visiting Application :

After joining the dormitory the person visits the dorm office by him/herself for application (Bring your ID, Room Keytag)

No deputy application allowed


Rule changes for 2016

  1. Applicable Kitchens for different dormitories.


Applicable for

Application location


Foreigners living in Ui-Gwan, Ye-Gwan

Ui-gwan dorm office


Foreigners living in In-gwan, Ji-gwan, Shin-gwan

Shin-gwan B Auditorium (2.24.~3.1.)

Shin-Gwan A Office (3.2~3.11.)

  1. Usable right after application
  2. Usage period: Until 19th June, 2016. (20th~21st of june is regular cleaning period. It is necessary for re-application during the vacations)
  3. Rice cookers and Electronics should be registered. Rice cookers and electronics in use should be attached with a ID sticker.
  4. If the container is not returned on the given date, a sum of KRW \10,000 will be deducted from the deposit.
  5. Method of arrangement of cabinets and hygienic rules are strengthened.
봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 2016년 1학기 봉룡학사입사생 3차 (선착순)모집-마감- 2016-02-18
이전글 Notice for regular Open Kitchen cleaning 2016-02-18