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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] 2019 Fall Semester Dormitory Hobby Class Lecture Evaluation
번호 : 1777 등록일 : 2019-11-18 조회수 : 1696

<2019 Fall Semester Dormitory Hobby Class Lecture Evaluation>


This evaluation is for hobby class's improvement.

Please answer the questions sincerely.

Also we notice once again about the refund.


1. Lecture Evaluation Submitting Period

Nov.18, 2019 (Mon.) ~ Nov. 29, 2019 (Fri.) 13:00


2. How to Submit the Evaluation

Click the link below and answer the google survey:

Click here to submit the evaluation


3. Objects of Refund.

① Attendance rate more than 75%(more than 6 times among 8 times)

② Submit the lecture evaluation in time.

③ 20,000 won will be refunded.

※ Being late/Leaving early less than 10min is 1/2 attendance, more than 10min will not be accepted as attendance.


4. About Refund

After the lecture evaluation finish, refund will be proceeded and it takes 3~4 weeks.

It will be refunded to the account that you filled in when you apply for hobby classes. Please check the account once again.


※ Inquire: 031-290-5186

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