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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Information of Applying Dormitory for Spring 2025
번호 : 등록일 : 2025-01-14 조회수 : 2625
[Information of Applying Dormitory for Spring 2025]
Application of Dormitory for 2025 Spring semester will be started as below. Please be informed that All information about dorm applying is on attached file. Please read carefully in order to avoid any problem caused by misunderstanding.
Dormitory expenses for the 2025 have increased by 2% compared to the 2024 due to inflation, minimum wage, and utility rate hikes. For further information, please refer to the application information.
If attached file is not available, Please check below.
★Important information★
1. Regular check-out of winter vacation is Feb 22nd, and regular check-in of spring semester is Mar 1st. If you want to stay at dorm continuously from winter vacation to spring semester, You must select Feb 22nd as your check-in date. If you select other date instead of Feb 22nd, You need to check-out on Feb 22nd and check in again on the date you select. 
2. If residents of winter vacation apply for waiting list for spring semester, assigning at same room is not available. 
3. The closing time of the last day of application or payment is until midnight. If you apply near the closing time, it may not be processed correctly due to system error. In order to avoid any problem, please arrange your application or payment in advance. 
4. In case of payment from abroad, Please check attached 'Guidance for Paying dormitory fee'.
1. Application schedule
<1st Application>
※ Application : 2025.01.23.(Thu) 11:00 ~ 2025.01.30.(Thu)
※ Announcement : 2025.02.06.(Thu) 11:00
※ Payment : 2025.02.06.(Thu) 11:00 ~ 2025.02.10.(Mon)
<2nd Application>
※ Application : 2025.02.11.(Tue) 11:00 ~ 2025.02.12.(Wed)
※ Announcement : 2025.02.17.(Mon) 11:00
※ Payment : 2025.02.17.(Mon) 11:00 ~ 2025.02.18(Tue)
<Room announcement> 2025.02.21.(Fri) 17:00
<3rd Application-Waiting list> 2025.02.19.(Wed) 11:00 ~ 2025.06.06.(Fri)
※ If residents of winter vacation apply for waiting list for spring semester, assigning at same room is not available. 
2. Residence period
※ Regular residence : 2025.03.01.(Sat) ~ 2025.06.24.(Tue) [115 nights & 116 days]
※ Early check-in : 2025.02.22.(Sat) ~ 2025.03.01.(Sat)
Residents of winter vacation need to select ‘2025.02.22(Sat)’ as your check in date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can’t change the check-in date after application.
3. Mandatory submit of Tuberculosis test result
※ All residents including winter vacation residents must submit TB test report.
※ If you submitted TB test report after 2024.12.01, You don’t need to re-submit for this semester.
4. Capacity of residents
※ 35% of capacity will be filled with Freshman.
※ In case of Shin-kwan A/B, capacity is variable.
※ Shin-kwan B will be closed on vacation. Residents of Shin-kwan B need to move to other dorm on vacation.
5. Notice
※ Dormate is available only at 1st application. Freshman is not available for dormate.
※ Dorm application is not available at mobile. Please use PC.
※ Please make mobile Kingo-M PUSH alarm 'ON' for all categories. If you make it 'OFF', You could be not informed about important notice.
※ Please take note that after Office hour or on weekends, we can't help you. (Dorm office hour: 09:00~17:30 on weekdays. Lunch break 12:00~13:00)
※ During application period, there will be lot of inquiries, so you may wait a lot or phone call is not available. Please well check attached guidance before asking. 
봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 2025학년도 1학기 기숙사 입사생 모집 안내 2025-01-14
이전글 2024-Winter semester Check-Out Information 2025-01-14