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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[일반] ★2024-Winter vacation Additional Application for Vacancy: Waiting Number System★Update completed!!!!!★
번호 : 등록일 : 2024-12-16 조회수 : 2008
[2024-Winter vacation Additional Application for Vacancy: Waiting Number System]
Dormitory will operate waiting number system  for vacancies caused by dormitory renounce, overdue payment, leave and etc. Please read below details & Application notice(◀ Click) before apply. 
 What is “Reserve (waiting list)”?
 - Students who couldn’t apply the dormitory on stage 1 and 2 or want to enter dormitory in the mid of semester can apply dormitory through this system
- Applicants will receive a waiting number in the order of application.
- When dormitory has vacancy, SMS will be sent to students according to the waiting list.
- If you apply for Vacancy, you will be put on list of waiting list. You can check-in after get approval. 
■ Eligibility to apply through this system
Students who had applied for 1st or 2nd stage but already "Canceled". 
- Those who can submit a copy of a clear tuberculosis check-up result (Normal/Clear up/Not contagious) by the check-in date. (Without submit, you can't check in) 
Enrolled student. 
-Students  who did receive an academic warning (under GPA 1.75) in the previous semester cannot apply.
■ Application date and method.
- GLS Application/Graduation Requirements Management ▷ Dormitory  Reserve (waiting list)
■ How to apply?
1. After dormitory applications and registrations (stage 2) are completed, notice of additional application will be posted on dormitory homepage .
2. According to the additional application plan, program will be opened automatically at specific time on GLS . (dormitory application will be in the order of application )
3. Students can choose only one dormitory depend on their preference . Please fill in all information of guardian's contact number, bank account for refund, meal plan and etc. After that, please read and agree with Dormitory Application Agreement.
4. After all procedures are done, click [Submit] then waiting number will be given in the order of application.
5. According to the order of waiting list, dorm office will check applicants, proceed to apply dormitory and issue an individual invoice. Then, SMS will be sent to the student’s contact number on the GLS application.
6. Students who get this SMS should pay dormitory fee until next day 23:00 of receiving SMS
7. Students can check-in from 13:00 next day of payment. (You need to submit TB before check-in)(However, on regular check-in day, you can check in after 3 pm) 
-Only for winter semester : 2024.12.18.(Wed) 11:00 ~ 2024.12.24. (Tue)
-For whole winter vacation : 2024.12.18.(Wed) 11:00 ~ 2025.02.04. (Tue)
※ If you apply on Dec 18th, Invoice will be issued on Dec 19th, and You can check in Dec 21st. (If there is available vacancy) 
 Number at below table means the number of vacancies. and number in brackets means waiting number who got approval or cancle. 
ex) 2(3) : available vacancy is 2 rooms. and waiting number 3 is already got approval or cancel. so if your waiting number is 4, you can get approval right away. 
ex) 0(2) : There is no available vacancy. and waiting number 2 is already got approval or cancel. so if there will be available vacancy, waiting number 3 will get approval.
Vacancy status updated!!!!!
Under graduate
46(5) - - -
- - 4(16) 5(7)
- 62(23) - -
99(30) - 0 -
Shin-kwanA 2p1r
14(5) 22(7) 30(9) 6(14)
Shin-kwanA 4p1r
- 11 - 21
Shin-kwanA 4p4r
5(4) 9(4) 1(2) 0(9)
Shin-kwanA 6p3r
18 15 4(2) 12
Shin-kwanA 3p3r
1(2) 0(2) 0 0(1)
Shin-kwanA 1p1r




*Shin-kwan B will be closed on vacation, Applicants for Shin-kwan will be assigned at Shin-kwan A. 

*Ratio of Undergraduate and Graduate student  for Shin-kwan could be changed. 
*Above table is updated continuously according to vacancy status. 
■ Notes
1. In order to contact to students for vacancy, additional application will be open even if there is no vacancy now.
2. Unable to modify after click [Submit]. If you want to modify you should re-apply after click [Cancel]  If you re-apply, new waiting number will be given
3. When it becomes your turn on the waiting list, applying dormitory will be made automatically based on the information you have already written on GLS. So, the date when you can check-in will be set two days after we have a vacancy for you  without additional notice.
4. Students who get the notice should pay dormitory fee to an individual account which you can check through GLS. If you don’t pay by deadline, application will be cancelled automatically and apply chance will be moved to the next applicant.
5. To those on the waiting list until the check-in in the mid of semester ends, applications will be automatically cancelled.
6. Students who don’t have a qualification to apply can apply but they will be excluded.
7. There will be no additional notice than SMS.
8. Selection priority is not considered in this system.
9. Even someone who has prior number than you got approval, Your waiting number is not changed. This notice will be updated every day, so you can check your turn on this page. 
10. You can't cancel after payment. If you want to cancel, there will be penalty based on our refund policy. ※ If remaining day is more than 30 days, You can get refund. and there will be penalty for 15days. (If remaining day is less than 30day, there is no refund. you only can get your deposit. 
■ How to apply through GLS
1. (GLS) Reserve (waiting list) ▷ Click [Search] ▷ click [Apply] in the campus that you want.
[Caution 1] Before apply period, the recruit session is not shown on GLS. After click [Search] at 13:00 on the first day of apply, the recruit session will be shown.
2. Click [Submit] after write all information in Check the result, Meal plan, and Rule Agreement.
(1) Student contact number: the number which will get notice for vacancy
Guardian's contact number: the number which will be reached when emergency take place.   
(2) Choose the dormitory/room type (check [v]): If you choose, dormitory/room type will be shown on the right side in the information for application.
(3) Write bank account information for refund.
(4) Click [next] and fill information in Meal plan and Rules Agreement tab.
(5) Click [Submit]
 3. Waiting number will be given after application is completed. 
*Different waiting number will be given depend on dormitory, room type, gender and undergraduates or graduates
4. Check the result or Cancel (Modify)
After your application is submitted, the [Apply] button will be changed to [Check the result]. When you click it, you can check application information and waiting number below.
When you want to cancel or re-apply to modify, click [Check the result] ▷ [Cancel]
봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 ★2024-겨울방학 공석 발생에 따른 추가(중도)입사 안내★업데이트 완료!!!!!!!★ 2024-12-16
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