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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] SKKU SUWON DORM ONLINE ORIENTATION (2021-Fall)
번호 : 2083 등록일 : 2021-08-31 조회수 : 2181

For foreigners’ wonderful dormitory life, we are holding an Online Orientation.

This orientation will include detailed dormitory introduction and safety education in English.



1. When :

-1st:  2021.09.06.(Mon) ~ 2021.09.30.(Thu)

-2nd: 2021.10.18.(Mon) ~ 2021.11.23.(Tue)

※We will re-open the Orientation(2021-Fall) by setting up a second orientation period so that more students can freely take orientation and get essential information about dormitory lives.

Among students who did not take the first OT and received a penalty, one penalty will be reduced if you take 100% orientation during the second period.(Inquire or visit at the dormitory office (Shin-kwan A) to reduce penalty points after taking OT)

Waiting list students after the first period are not eligible for penalty points. Please take orientation within the second period after check-in.
(The deadline for the second period is set as the deadline for the Waiting list of the dormitory.)

2. How : Online I-campus ( login → non-regular lectures → Take a dormitory orientation lecture. (English)

3. Who:

- Eligible candidates : All residentsof Fall semester of 2021


4. Lecture Contents : Dormitory Life Guidance and Safety Education

5. Caution

-If you do not take this orientation, you will get 2 penalty points.

 (Including attendees with less than 100% learning)

※Inquiry :

봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 9월 승강기 점검 안내(Routine Elevator Inspection for September) 2021-08-31
이전글 기숙사 온라인 오리엔테이션(2021-2학기) 2021-08-31