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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Non-registered student will be expelled from dormitory for 2019-Spring semester
번호 : 1827 등록일 : 2019-04-01 조회수 : 1425

Non-registered student will be expelled from dormitory


Student who registered only can stay in dormitory.

Therefore student with postponed graduation of bachelor and master cannot stay. And student who supposed to be on gap-year on 2019-spring semester also cannot stay.


So this students has no eligibility to apply for admission and must leave out. And they will be refunded the daily rate of maintenace and meal fees based on the number of days left till the check-out date with a penalty of 15 days' fee.

(* Please check the general information for 2019-spring semester ▶Click HERE)


However doctor degree student who completed course but still researching can stay with the recommendation from academic advisor. (The status of the thesis unsubmission is not the case.)

There will be personal contact from dorm office for non-registered student, so student who suit this condition will check-out or submit the recommendation. (you need to submit the form every semester.)


The unqualified resident: should check-out until Apr. 5. (Fri)

(After cleaning your room, visit dorm office to fill out the form)

■ Doctor degree student who completed course but still researching recommendation submission: Until Apr. 5. (Fri) 17:00

If they do not submit til due date, they will expelled until Apr. 7. (Sun)


*Dorm office : Shin-gwan A building, weekday 09:00~12:00, 13:00~17:30


봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 미등록 자전거, 스쿠터 수거 절차 진행 2019-04-01
이전글 비재학생(기숙사 입사 자격 미달) 퇴사 처분 안내 2019-04-01