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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Open Kitchen Result for Additional Applicants (2019-spring)
번호 : 1807 등록일 : 2019-03-11 조회수 : 1442

This is the list of additional successful applicants.

All additional user should use In-gwan kitchen and can use kitchen from Mar. 11. 17:00

161~180 numbered user get the big plastic box to store your stuff. You can find that big box with your number.

181~191 numbered user get the cabinet.


There is no plan to increase the number of user for a while from now.

If your name is not in the list, you need to waiting for vacancy.

Thank you.




2019-Spring Additional Cabinet Number
No. Student ID Name
161 2019710505 Panithan 
162 2019318167 Carina Tay Jing Xuan
163 2019710817 Le Thi Thuy 
164 2019711050 구염연
165 2018730517 Ike mediawati
166 2019710948 Hoang Hai Anh
167 2019318155 Arnav Kandpal
168 2013712535 WANG YILI
169 2018315276 딜다
170 2018712416 Amornkitbamrung Urasawadee
171 2019719061 Arend Zhang
172 2019719019 Andre schoemaker
173 2017712064 SUN YEN
174 2019711309 HASSAN S JARJEES UL
175 2019711391 Surjeet Kumar
176 2018711334 Susana Callejas Sandoval
177 2019711304 HO THI PHUONG
178 2019710997 Vu Thi Thanh Huong
179 2019711441 Anandan Pradeep Raja
180 2018712306 LI GEN
181 2019318049 Ghulam Asghar
183 2019711418 CHENG YU
184 2018315229 강옥하
185 2019318075 Leung Hoi Ki
186 2019318107 Jordan Quek Wei Jie
187 2019719079 Schier Florian
188 2019711005 ZHANG ZHENRU
189 2018730529 ISAKJANOV Kobil
190 2019318090 Cole Silvis
191 2019318011 Marina Emy Nakahara


봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
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