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봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Dormitory Foreigners Orientation (2018 Fall Semester)
번호 : 1649 등록일 : 2018-09-02 조회수 : 909

For foreigners’ wonderful dormitory life, we are holding a [Freshman Orientation]!

This orientation will include detailed dormitory introduction and safety education in English. Other dormitory safety educations are conducted in Korean so it is very good opportunity to have safety education in English.

▶ This is mandatory orientation that every foreign freshmen have to participate. If you are not freshmen but this is the first time to live in the dorm you can also participate. 

The location and date is stated below.


▶Date & Location

Sep. 6. (Thu) 17:00 ~ 19:00 (in English)
 > Auditorium on B1 in Shin-gwan B


Sep. 5.(Wed) 17:00~19:00 (in Korean)
 > Auditorium on B1 in Shin-gwan B


▶ If you don’t come to this orientation,  you will get 2 penalty points.

▶ If you have justifiable reasons for not participating in this orientation, please bring the paper to the dorm office in Shin-gwan A.
Due date: ~Sep
.7. (Fri.) 17:00

- Justifiable reasons and related papers
 (1) Class time table (Should be printed on GLS)
 (2) Confirmation sheet of Seminar or business trip (Seminar pamphlat or phone number of supervisor professor is needed)
 (3) Certification of hospitalization
Official documents to prove your stay abroad for the period(such as passport, airline ticket, etc. stating the date of entry and departure)

※Inquiry : Dorm office (031-290-5183)

봉룡학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 기숙사 모의화재대피훈련 및 소방교육(2018-2) 2018-09-02
이전글 신입생 기숙사 오리엔테이션(2018-2) 2018-09-02