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봉룡학사 | 포토갤러리 게시글의 상세 화면
의관 자율주방 리모델링(Ui-gwan Open Kitchen Remodeling)
번호 : 129 작성자 : 기숙사 행정실 등록일 : 2016-09-08 조회수 : 7326

The open kitchen at Ui-gwan has been remodeled recently!

It was looked like this before. But, through remodeling work, it has became totally new one!


Shleves clothed with refined colors.

The balance of white and black is very good and nice.

Also the water hoses of each sink has been changed.

It became more comfortable to use and balanced with shelves by vivid colors.

Even garbage cans has been remodeled!

Left one is for general wastes, and right one is for food wastes.

Please use these in their own use. ^^

Also we changed the refigerator to new machines!

From now on, you can see your containers with out opening!


Thanks to students' cooperation, the kitchen became clean and new.

Please use this kitchen like the one at your home.

Thank you.


봉룡학사 | 포토갤러리 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 2학기 신입생 기숙사 오리엔테이션 2016-09-08
이전글 예관 1,2층 단열 도배 공사 완료 2016-09-08