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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
2019-Spring semester lease residents fire drill education
No : -1 Date : 2019-04-18 Views : 2046

Fire drill education will be conducted by Myeongryun Haksa for the improvement of ability to cope with fire emergency and the better understanding of safety. The education will be held as below. We ask for your active participation for our safety.


1. When/Where

※ All dorms attend only one day


Victory House

Crownville A/C




4.30.(Tue.) 18:30~19:00

A Parking Lot

5.02.(Thru.) 18:30~19:00

Crown A Parking Lot

※ Location: Stay in escape to training place

※ Two points awarded for attendance


2. Contents

-  Process of reporting on fir
-  Training on extinguishing, Demonstration on fire extinguisher
- Check on emergency exit route and try actual escape
- Training on precautions for use of fire-causing facilities, such as cooking facilities and heaters
3. Who : All lease residents of Myeongryun Haksa
4. Inquiry: 02-760-0164/0167~8


명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
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