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안전한 생활

명륜학사 | 안전한 기숙사 생활 게시글의 상세 화면
Locking Door for Accident Prevention
분류 : notice in english 번호 : -4 등록일 : 2017-11-09 조회수 : 4317

                              Locking door for accident prevention

Recently, there was an unfortunate incident with a female resident who had not locked the door.
In our dormitory, there are a lot of students who do not lock the door usually.
For your safety, please do 'locking door' thoroughly.

◈ Please lock the door not only for the safety in the room, but also 
prevention of a incident of lost.
1. Lock the door when you are not in your room
2. Lock the door before sleeping
3. Lock the door in the middle of the night

◈ What to do in case of an emergency


◈ Contacts
Dormitory office : 02-760-0163~0164,0167~0168       e-mail :

명륜학사 | 안전한 기숙사 생활 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 기숙사 인근 병원 안내(결핵 검진 포함), List of hospitals around the dorms(Tuberculosis checkup is available) 2017-11-09
이전글 Guidance of Hospital and Clinic/Pharmacy Working During Holidays 2017-11-09