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안전한 생활

명륜학사 | 안전한 기숙사 생활 게시글의 상세 화면
Elevator safety guideline
분류 : notice in english 번호 : 12 등록일 : 2016-08-08 조회수 : 7909

Elevator safety guideline



     1) Exceeding user or weight capacity cause breakdown and accident of elevator. Please be careful.

     2) Do not press intercom or emergency stop button for fun.

     3) Do not jump up and down in elevator.

     4) Be careful with any dirt or liquid not to get jammed in the threshold.

     5) In a fire emergency, do not use elevator. Must use emergency stairway.

     6) Do not lean on door. Be careful with your hands or clothes not to get jammed.

     7) In an emergency situation of blackout or breakdown, use intercom to call for assistance         

         and please wait calmly for qualified help to arrive. 

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