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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
2022-Spring Semester Dormitory 2nd Admission Result & Payment
번호 : 220 등록일 : 2022-02-16 조회수 : 1508
[ Result Announcement ]
From Feb.16.(Wed) 11:00 ~ You can check your 2nd round of SKKU dormitory application result on GLS in person. Follow the steps as below,
SKKU Homepage -> Kingo ID -> Application/Requirement management -> Dormitory -> Dormitory Information -> Issued payment invoice
[ Dormitory Fee Payment ]
[ Feb.16.(Wed) 11:00 ~ Feb.17.(Thu) 23:00 ] is your dormitory payment period. Please make sure to pay for it before the deadline.
[ Additional Application for Vacancy [Waiting List] ]
Among the successful applicanst, in case of non-payment or room cancellation, we will run the additional admission from Feb.21.(Mon) 11:00 A.M. on GLS in order to make up. Do NOT miss the next application chance!
Please check our notice regarding to next additonal application information.
Thank you.
명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 2022. 1학기 명륜학사(인사캠) 오리엔테이션 및 화재대피 훈련(안전교육) 2022-02-16
이전글 2022-Spring Semester Additional Application for Vacancy [Waiting List] 2022-02-16