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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Dormitory Admission for 2023-Fall semester
번호 : 609 등록일 : 2023-07-11 조회수 : 1939

Dormitory Admission for 2023-Fall Semester

1. Application Schedule

■ 1st application period: July.21.(Fri) 11:00 ~ July.25.(Tue) 23:00
■ 1st announcement and payment period: July.31.(Mon) 11:00 ~  August.2.(Wed) 23:00
■ 2nd application period: August.3.(Thur) 11:00 ~ August.6.(Sun) 23:00
■ 2nd announcement and payment period: August.10.(Thur) 11:00 ~ August.13.(Sun) 23:00
  - If there is any cancellation(unpaid) made in 1st round, 2nd round will be proceeded.
■ Additional round(Waiting list): August.23.(Wed) (Detailed schedule and time will be noticed)
  - If there is any cancellation(unpaid) made in 2nd round, additional round(waiting list) will be proceeded.
 Exchange students must apply for dormitory through the SKKU International Office.
     If exchange studnet apply through GLS,  it will not be assigned to dormitory.
2. How to Apply Dormitory and Check Invoice
■ How to apply
KINGO ID login on SKKU website → GLS Application/Requirements management Dormitory
 Dorm Application
■ Checking admission results and Invoice
GLS  Application/Requirements management  Dormitory →  Invoice
- If your payment is not fully made until the payment period, the admission must be cancelled.
■ To apply dormitory and check the invoice,  you should access on your GLS on website.
3. Note
■ Applying dormitory is not according to in the order of applying. Applying within the application period.
■ 2023 Summer vacation residents must choose Aug.19.(Sat) for the check-in date.
■ Preferential selection applied only during the first application period.
■ After applying for the dormitory,  please check if it is submitted normally.
■ All dormitory residents wear a mask in common place of the dormitory(Recommend).
■ All dormitory residents must submit Tuberculosis test result when check-in.
4. Housing office
■ The office hour: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 17:30 (Lunch break 12:00 ~ 13:00)
- We can not help you any problem caused after office hour.
■ Inquiry:
명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 E-하우스(본관,별관) 전기 설비 정기검사 안내 2023-07-11
이전글 2023학년도 2학기 기숙사 입사생모집 2023-07-11