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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] 2023-Spring Semester Additional Application for Vacancy [Waiting List]
번호 : 557 등록일 : 2023-02-22 조회수 : 2117

We inform you to recruit additional dormitory residents as following schedule.


1. Reserve Waiting List

Applicants will receive a number of the waiting list in sequence. When dormitory room has vacancy, SMS will be sent to applicants.

(If you don’t have Korean phone number, we’ll notice you by email.


2. Application Method

GLS -> Application/Graduation Requirements Management -> Dormitory -> Reserve (waiting list)


3. Application Period

2023.02.22.(Wed) 11:00 A.M. ~

You will get a waiting list number as first-come, first-served basis, if you apply. Then we will contact you by Call or email.

When you submit your application, please fill in your correct mobile phone number accurately. If not, we’ll notice you by email. Please read carefully and reply it.



Number at below table means the number of vacancies. and number in brackets means waiting number who got approval or cancle.

ex) 2(3) : available vacancy is 2 rooms. and waiting number 3 is already got approval or cancel. so if your waiting number is 4, you can get approval right away.

ex) 0(2) : There is no available vacancy. and waiting number 2 is already got approval or cancel. so if there will be available vacancy, waiting number 3 will get approval.

Dormitory Man Female
C-House 4 -
E-House 16 4
G-House - 17
I-House - 13
K-House - 7
M-House 4 10


4. Requirements

Registered students(undergrad or grad school)

Students who had applied and were selected for 1st and 2nd round of Spring Semester Application period but already 'cancelled'.

Those who can submit a copy of a clear TB(Tuberculosis) Test result and COVID19(PCR or Rapid Antigen) test(Negative) by your actual check-in date.

Selection priority is not considered in this system.


5. Note

1)Students can choose only one dormitory depend on their preference. Please fill in all information of your Korean contact number, bank account for refund and, etc. After that, please read and agree with Dormitory Application Agreement.


2)After all procedures are done, click [Submit] then waiting number will be given in order of your application.


3)When it becomes your turn on the waiting list, applying dormitory will be made automatically based on the information you have already written on GLS.


4)According to the order of waiting list, SKKU Housing Office staff will check applicants, proceed to apply dormitory and issue an individual payment invoice. Then, SMS will be sent to the student’s contact number.


5)Students who get this SMS should pay dormitory fee until next day 23:00~.


6)Impossible to change check-in date after submission, unable to modify. If you want to modify, you should re-apply for it after you press on cancellation button. When you re-apply, you will get a new waiting list number.


7)Students who get the notice should pay dormitory fee to an individual account which you can check through GLS. If you don’t pay by due date, application will be cancelled automatically and apply chance will be moved to the next applicant.


6. Important!

Tubeculosis Test & Rapid Antigen Test(COVID19 Test) Result Test

You must submit 'Tuberculosis test result(examinated after Dec.2022) and COVID19 (Rapid Antigen or PCR) test result (only which is allowed the test within 7 days before your actual checkin date)' sheets on your check-in date. You cannot enter SKKU dorm on that day without the result papers.

Thank you.

명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
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