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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] 2022 summer vacation delivery service for dorm movers
번호 : 485 등록일 : 2022-08-12 조회수 : 1832
For the convenience of the students who are moving out on Saturday 5th June and moving into the other dormitory, 
please use the service a lot.
1. Delivery date and subject
▣ Date : Saturday 20th August, 09:00 ~ 11:00
(Please be punctual. After at 11:00 the service is over)   
▣ subject :  2022 summer vacation residents who are living in the dorm during the fall semester
2. How to use
▣ At the security office in each dorm, receive the waybill.  Please put the waybill on the side of the boxes and bags. 
▣ Over 10 Boxes X (※ Only fewer than 10 boxes(bags) are available per person.)
▣ Following the standard size of (No.5)box of the post office, the size of the box must not be over 48*38*34(cm),
the sum of 3 sides of the box should be less than 140cm. 
▣ The wight must be less than 15kg (※ If it is over 15kg, that box will be left)
▲ The size of the No.5 box 
▣ At the storage place, please pile up the boxes as below.
★ Please pile up the boxes upward, and make the lines if the boxes are many.
▣ On the check out day, pack the luggage and clean the room → Keep the belongings at the storage place,
and move to the designated dormitory after check out. (It is available to rent a cart at the security office.)
▣ Check in the designated dormitory.  Check your luggage at the storage place and move it into the new room.
▣ Receiving the transferred luggage at the storage place. If you don’t receive it right away, there will be a risk of loss.
You must put the waybill on the boxes and bags for checking your belongings. (Not responsible for loss)
▣ Transportation vehicles go around each dormitory in sequence from 12:30
3. Storage place
Dormitory Storage place

E-House(main) A

E-House(Annex) B

1F Parking lot

In front of the 1F security office

K-House In front of the 2F mail box
4. Destination
You can receive your belongings at the storage place.
The arrival time can be delayed following the volume of traffic and luggage.
Dormitory Storage place
C/I/M-House In front of the 1F security office

E-House(main) A

1F Parcel room

E-House(Annex) B, G-House In front of the 1F security office
K-House In front of the 2F mail box
5. Inquiry
  Contact number: 02-760-0164/0167/0168


명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 기숙사 거주 증명서 발급(Certification of Resident) 2022-08-12
이전글 체력단련실 개방 안내(E/G/K-하우스) 2022-08-12