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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] 2021-Fall Semester Dormitory 2nd round admission result
번호 : 344 등록일 : 2021-08-12 조회수 : 1587
[Result Announcement]
From August. 13.(Fri) 11:00 ~ You can check your result of SKKU dormitory application on GLS in person.
Follow the steps as below,
SKKU Homepage  ->  Kingo ID Log-in ->  Application/Requirement management  ->  Dormitory  ->  Dormitory Information -> Issue payment invoice
[Dormitory Fee Payment]
[ August. 13(Fri) 11:00 ~ August. 16(Mon) 23:00 ] is your payment period. Please make sure to pay for it before the deadline.
[Additional recruitment]
Among the 2nd round successful applicanst, in case of non-payment or room cancellation, we will recruit the additional admission residents from September on GLS in order to make it up. Therefore, check the updated schedule in September and then apply for it later on.
Thank you.
명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 기숙사 입사준비물_2021-2학기(직영기숙사_여학생) 2021-08-12
이전글 2학기 기숙사 2차 신청 [결과 발표] 및 [납부] 안내 2021-08-12