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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Guidance for Submission of Tuberculosis Check-up Results
번호 : 180 등록일 : 2020-07-29 조회수 : 1992
■ According to the Ministry of Education policy, all students are required to submit a tuberculosis examination report.
■ Before -> Valid for one year from the date of tuberculosis examination
     After -> In order to prevent the spread of infections such as coronavirus from the second semester of 2020, it is mandatory for students to submit their results sheet within about two months; June. 1(Mon)~Aug.29(Sat), (based on 89 nights 90 days), before their regular admission date. 
  Valid for 6 months from date of tuberculosis examination.
■ You won’t be able to enter the dormitory without a valid TB test sheet
■ It is possible to check the valid semester of your Tuberculosis check-up result on GLS.
■ Students must check again. Only 'no abnormalities' result with clearly-written name,   gender, birth date, check date is admitted.
■ Tuberculosis can be diagnosed by checking your chest through x-ray, so just visit a public health center, internal medicine clinic, or hospital equipped with an X-ray machine. Please keep in mind that the results can take from few hours to 1~3 days and each clinic takes differently. Please check before check-in date.
■ Submission of Check-up result: Send Dormitory Housing Office E-mail or when you check-in Dormitory
■ Submitting a clear result of a tuberculosis check-up before the dormitory check-in date is mandatory. SKKU dormitory confirms only your result of 'TB Test' and does not require any other examinations.
■ [2020 2nd semester] Student Medical Checkup Guide(At Hospital)
- Refer to the link below.
■ Hospital guidance near dormitory


명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 2020-2학기 셔틀버스 운행 중단 안내(E/G-하우스,이완근관) 2020-07-29
이전글 결핵검진결과서 제출 및 유효 기간 변경안내 2020-07-29