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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] Orientation & Safety Training Guide
번호 : 16 등록일 : 2019-02-27 조회수 : 1760

1. When
   A-Mar. 05((Tue) 18:00~19:30)
   B-Mar. 06((Wed) 
  ※ You can attend only once in the time you have available.

2. Where: The 600th Anniversary Hall B2

3. Object: 2019-Spring semester, residents of dormitory, excluded exchange students
 ★ Remember, this is a Mandatory Training for all residents.
 ★ New graduate student must attend again who attended once when who was undergraduate student 
 4. Contents: Dormitory introduction and living guidance, Safety education


 5. 기 타
   가. The Student who do not attend the orientation will be imposed 2 penalty.
       points Pursuant to virtue of clause 24 of Dormitory Regulation

   나. Absentee who submit the documents of official class will not receive
       penalty points.
       ▶ Where to submit

        - At the Dormitory Operating Office/Housing Office

        - e-mail(

   6. Inquiries: 02-760-0164/0167~8

명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 E/G-하우스 식수 추가, 변경 신청 안내 2019-02-27
이전글 2019학년도 1학기 명륜학사 오리엔테이션 안내 2019-02-27