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명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시글의 상세 화면
[Notice in English] 2019-Fall semester 2nd round of dormitory application
번호 : 668 등록일 : 2019-08-12 조회수 : 1604

The 2nd round of dorm application will be held, since there is vacancies made by application cancellation of unpayment after the 1st round of dorm application.

1. Application period: Aug.12(Mon.) ~ Aug.15(Thu.) 09:00 ~ 23:00

 2. Application dormitory: You can check available dormitory on GLS. 


*Capacity(People) of the 2nd round

Dormitory M F
C-house 6 -
E-house(Single) 1 -
E-house(Double) 17 1
G-house(Single) - 2
G-house(Double) - 10
M-house 5 -
K-house -     12 
Victory House - 2
Crownville A 1 -
Crownville C 2 1
IWG(Single) - -
IWG(Double) - -


 3. Result and payment period: Aug.19(Mon.) ~ Aug.20(Tue.) 10:00 ~ 23:00

-Payment cannot be divided. If your payment is not fully made until the registration period, the admission must be cancelled.

 * Office Hour : 09:00~17:30 (Weekday)

* It is difficult to reply to queries after office hour.

명륜학사 | 공지사항 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 E-집밥 식당 임시 휴무 안내(8.24.(토)) 2019-08-12
이전글 2019-2학기 2차 모집 안내[마감] 2019-08-12