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과거 수상작

콘텐츠 공모전| 과거수상작 | 기타 게시글의 상세 화면
WELCOME TO KOREA: A little survival guide
번호 : 4 등록일 : 2019-11-25 조회수 : 1230
This powerpoint aims to introduce Korea and the fun moments we had in the country the 1st semester. We wanted the new students coming for the 2nd semester to be excited about this incredible experience. Also, we have added some tips and fun facts to make this powerpoint less serious. 
Hope you will enjoy, and that it reflects well our hapiness in the country, 
Agathe AVIOTTE and Tatianna FERREIRA
콘텐츠 공모전| 과거수상작 | 기타 게시판의 이전글 다음글
다음글 오늘도 잘 먹었습니다. 2019-11-25
이전글 빅곰의 행복한 빅토리라이프 2019-11-25